There are different ways to learn and gain qualifications. While the traditional way is to complete school and go to university, alternative learning can be more effective for many people. This could include learning later in life or online instead of on campus. There are several reasons for this.
Gaining life experience
Young people entering adulthood are expected to make choices that could impact the rest of their lives. However, it’s not always the right time for them to do this. Even if they have a firm idea of the career they want to study for, it isn’t easy to know without gaining life and work experience.
With qualifications such as an accelerated nursing program, you can qualify online in the same timeframe as if you were learning offline. If you decide later and meet the requirements, you won’t have to wait several years to achieve your qualification.
Although some people believe learning is easier when you’re younger, you have some advantages if you learn later. For example, you might take in knowledge quicker as a younger person but have few or no personal experiences to apply it to. Having gained experience, you can see how different things might work, and the course you’re learning will make more sense.
Formal education was challenging.
Not everyone responds well to conventional learning. For some, being at school, college, or university isn’t associated with happy memories. If you don’t fit in, have a disability that makes learning difficult, or are isolated by other students, it can be hard to focus on learning.
While you still might want to gain extra qualifications, it’s understandable if you’re reluctant to return to university. Online learning provided by a reputable university is the best of both worlds. You get to concentrate on gaining your qualification in whichever environment you feel most comfortable without attending a university.
While many qualifications still require you to undertake a work placement, this can be a better environment. It gives you a chance to put into practice the skills and knowledge you’ve learned. Many workplaces will be understanding and adaptable if you need certain support because of a disability. They accept that a disability doesn’t exclude you from being a valuable team member.
The flexibility of online learning is appealing to those with busy lives who don’t want to attend regular classes in person or spend time and money on travel. It frees up more time for study and other responsibilities. If you’re studying later in life, you may be better prepared mentally but have commitments that many younger students don’t. This learning method allows you to fit studying into your life and use the experiences you’ve gathered to further your learning.
Learning isn’t just for younger people. If you’re still looking to start or progress in your career, it’s not too late. Even if the idea of being in a classroom again puts you off, it’s not the only option and may not take as much time as you think.